Romanian Refuge for Ukrainians
Early arrivals & shelter volunteers at Holy Trinity Church transition center for Ukrainian refugees, near Bucharest, Romania.
With war raging just across the border, Romanians are mobilizing to help and shelter their Ukrainian neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Romania, with thousands more arriving daily.
Our social workers in Oradea are currently working to find safe homes for refugee mothers with young children, and coordinating with local officials to place Ukrainian orphans into host families. Meanwhile, our partners at Romania Without Orphans Alliance (ARFO) are collaborating with three Bucharest churches to provide shelter, food, clothing, assistance, and Christ-centered hope — both short-term and long-term — to refugees.
We have created a fund to support our Romanian partners’ refugee response. 100% of your donations below will help Romanian Christians meet the needs of Ukrainian orphans and war refugees.