Five Days of Prayer: Day 1

Pray for the church to reach hurting children

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8

By Mike Farris, RR Chairman

I will never forget my first trip to Romania in 1990. It was a few months after the fall of communism and the execution of the brutal dictator.

Our group toured Ceausescu's palace and saw all of its unbelievable excesses immediately after touring a state orphanage for 6 to 18 year old children. The kids were left to fend for themselves while the state workers were sitting in a back room playing cards.

Their sleeping quarters were the worst. The stench of urine was pervasive. The ceilings were black. At first I thought it was paint. But it was an army of mosquitoes that feasted on the children every night.

I wanted to scoop up as many children as I could to rescue them from this atmosphere of evil indifference.

Those of us in America aren’t in the same position as those wickedly indifferent workers. But if we sit silently by and help no one in such a situation, the difference between us and those workers is one of degree not of kind.

Proverbs 31:8 is one of many verses that make our duty clear. We cannot help all orphans, but we can help some. Silence and indifference is not an option.

Prayer: “Lord, help your church to live out your word, speaking up for orphans and acting on their behalf, to help them. Begin with me, showing me my role in caring for the poor and vulnerable."