Five Days of Prayer: Day 3

Pray for God to raise up Christian families

“God sets the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

By Jeanne Domenech, RR Treasurer

In Psalm 68, King David proclaims the strength and power of God. His enemies flee; He rides through the desert. But suddenly David shifts his focus to God’s mercy and compassion for the fatherless. The mighty Lord of all stoops to consider the needs of lonely, orphaned children. Amazing!

Decades ago, we prayed about adopting a child. Our three older children prayed nightly for this little girl. Imagine our joy, when after many years of prayer God brought a little 1.5-year-old into our lives. She is now 27 with her own family. We know God set her in ours and are so glad He did.

Considering adoption is a serious undertaking, but God doesn’t just care, He acts. He loves to use his people to meet needs. Later in Psalm 68:19 King David “blesses God who daily bears us up.” If you hear the Spirit prompting you to be the heart and hands of God for an abandoned child, He WILL supply the needs of your entire family.

There is a stirring in the church worldwide with many families seeking God, asking Him to set a child in their home.

Could God be calling you?

Prayer: “Lord, ‘set the lonely in families’ according to your will and your Word. Bless families all over the world who are adopting and fostering orphans. Provide for all of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each member of the family.”