Give Toward Healing (Bogdan's Story)

“The best day of my life was the day I saw my new name.”
- Bogdan

Bogdan was rescued from abandonment and placed in a wonderful Christian foster family as a toddler. At first, he did well, enjoying his parents and new siblings. But the older he got, the more he began to struggle with behavioral, emotional, and educational problems. Eventually, his foster family realized Bogdan badly needed permanence and a real sense of belonging. They began the process to adopt him—and everything changed. Bogdan is now thriving. He loves the Lord, is looking forward to being baptized, and hopes to become a plumber one day.

“The best moment of my life was on the day I went out with my mom to pick up my new birth certificate,” Bogdan told us. “And she handed me the certificate, and there I saw my new name.”

Bogdan's story shows that abandoned children need so much more than a roof over their heads: they need security and healing.

Give Toward Healing

Help equip parents and heal hurting kids with a gift below.

$125: send a parent to the 2019 refresh conference (for adoptive and foster families)

$400: send a family to the 2019 Refresh Conference (2 parents, 2 children)

$600: monthly salary for the director of our new aging-out program from children from foster care

Gifts of any amount toward these funds are always welcome.