Safe and Sound: A Story of Rescue

Her soft cries could hardly be heard over the loud exchanges filling the room. The environment was dirty and dimly lit, and she was on the floor, crying incessantly. It was a cry for a thousand different things: warmth, comfort, a changed diaper, a filling bit of milk, and love. Often, when an infant is neglected, every single need is neglected at once.

This was the beginning of the story of Esther, a sweet baby girl born to a young, mentally unstable mother. Her mother had abandoned Esther in the hospital for weeks, then changed her mind and convinced the hospital staff into letting her bring the baby back home. Once home, Esther was neglected for days on end.

But this was not the end of Esther's story. 

One of the core parts of our ministry at Romania Reborn is the ongoing effort to rescue. To rescue is to not only take a child out of a dangerous space, but also to bring them into a place of comfort and peace. Over the past twenty years of rescuing child after child, we have become convinced that the beginning of a child's story does not have to determine the end. By rescuing, we are helping rewrite their story

With God's help, that's what happened for Esther. Because our staff had known Esther when she was abandoned in the hospital, we went looking for her, aided by local police. Finally, we found her: unfed, unchanged, and uncared-for weak but still clinging to life. Her distracted birth mother agreed to bring her back to the hospital, but on the way there, she tried to throw her still-crying baby out the taxi window. The taxi driver saved Esther from harm, playing his part in her rescue.

We all play a part in the rescuing of children like Esther.

Even from across the ocean, we can help rewrite stories and rescue children.

Today, Esther is resting safely in the arms of a forever family, and she is flourishing. She is no longer in danger, no longer crying and needy, but fully cared for and fully rescued. Join us, this summer, by donating any amount to help Romania Reborn continue to rescue children in need!