With one of our foster kids on a rainy day at camp, October 2024
by Jayme Metzgar, RR President
I DON’T OFTEN travel to Romania anymore. But this fall my daughters and I were blessed to be there, helping with camp for our foster and adopted kids.
It’s always surreal to see our kids in person. Most of them are children for whom I’ve prayed, wept, rejoiced, and worked since they were babies. And suddenly, there they are: laughing, running, playing soccer, snuggling with their mom.
I’ve known about these children for years. But it takes being there in person to begin to know them.
God knows this about us. It’s why He sent Jesus into our midst that night in Bethlehem. Christ lived on earth to show us “the image of the invisible God”–then died and rose so we could know Him forever.
Imagine what it will be like to meet Him in person one day. Imagine what it will be like to meet others for the first time–including kids from Romania–who are there because of you. I can’t think of any better gift.
This reflection was originally written as an introduction to our Christmas Catalog. Browse the online catalog here.