“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
As an adopted child from Bucharest, Romania, my journey into the arms of a loving family through adoption has shaped my understanding of the power of faith. Adopted at two years old, I could not have comprehended what faith meant at the time. However, growing up and now into my late twenties I see the power of a Faithful Father and of faithful parents. Through their 6 example of sacrifice and love even before they ever knew me, they nurtured my faith in God’s unconditional love and pursuit of me before I ever knew Him. My parents’ declaration, “For this child I prayed,” also became Jesus’ intercession over me in John 17, “I pray for them…for those You have given me, for they are Yours.” It is my desire to honor my parents with my testimony of faith, and in turn, if the Lord wills, pray for my own adopted kids someday.
Join me this month of May in praying for adopted children.
Allie Beals, RR Marketing & Social Media Consultant