One snowy day in February 2012, our efforts to start an orphan care revival in Romania finally bore fruit. Until this meeting, our vision for a nationwide movement to challenge the Romanian church with the need of the orphan had seemed impossible. Numerous meetings over a two year period had seen few Romanian leaders and pastors willing to get involved, but we persevered in prayer, and God brought a special group together for this meeting. Thirteen Romanian pastors and non-profit leaders caught our vision, as the leader of Ukraine Without Orphans shared the miraculous movement of God in their country. Romanian Without Orphans was born that day. God was on the move in Romania.
THEN: early Romania Without Orphans meeting
Relationships began, barriers were broken, and we saw bridges built between adoption groups and the church. The vision expanded, and 150 pastors, leaders, and adoptive and foster parents from all over Romania attended the first-ever Christian adoption conference in October 2014. It was all we had prayed for and more. And God continued to grow the movement.
NOW: Romania Without Orphans conference 2016
Today, Romania Without Orphans has become a trusted voice for adoption and child welfare law reform. The 4th annual adoption conference in November is expected to have more attendees than ever before. Vital training materials for adoptive and foster parents are continually being developed and translated. And our partners have been instrumental in helping leaders in neighboring Moldova start their own nationwide movement. God has begun an orphan care revival in Romania, and we are excited to see where He leads us next!
Check out the Romania Without Orphans website (in English) at
Give the Gift of Empowerment
Your gift will help empower God's orphan care and adoption movement to continue to expand and bring lasting change to the anti-adoption culture of Romania. Join us in empowering the church to answer the need of the orphan, fight for legal reform, and see every child find a forever home.