advocacy gifts
“Oliver” spent most of his childhood in Romania's state foster system—and suffered terrible injustice there. Seeking more money, his foster mother got Oliver falsely diagnosed with a seizure disorder, putting him on medication he didn't need. Eventually, she left Romania and abruptly abandoned him back to the system.
We fought to get Oliver out of the system that had abused him. Slowly, he began to heal—and through his walk with Christ, he chose forgiveness for his past hurts. While he still has mental and physical challenges, he graduated high school and is working a steady job. The light of Oliver's life is singing in the choir of a large, local church (pictured).
To help a child, we often have to fight the status quo. Through our advocacy work, we're doing that every day.
Give the Gift of Advocacy
In addition to helping individual children, we fight for orphans nationwide through our partners at the Romania Without Orphans Alliance (ARFO). We advocate for better government policies, educate culture-wide about orphan care, and mobilize the Romanian church toward adoption and foster care.
$75 Buy a tank of gas for travel to churches and meetings
$1,000 Cover a month’s worth of political advocacy (salary)
$10,000 Fund 1 day of ARFO’s orphan care conference
$30,000 Fully fund ARFO’s 3-day orphan care conference
To give one of these items, click “give a gift.” To make a Christmas dedication to a friend, click “download card.”
Christmas catalog contents:
Adoption Gifts / Viviana’s Story
Healing Gifts / Gideon’s Story
Foster Sponsorships / Aida’s Story
Advocacy Gifts / Oliver’s Story